
Podcast “POLIS: principles and values of European politics from Pericles to modern times”

During the implementation of the project, at least 15 episodes of a podcast devoted to the topic of the module will be prepared and placed in the public domain. The podcast format will involve a dialogue between project participants on topics related to European studies, integration into the EU, historical aspects, and current problems of European politics. In particular, the following episodes are planned:
Episode 1. Agora – the place where European politics was born
Episode 2. Res Publica as political order for European societies
Episode 3. The rising of Leviathan: how Europe created modern state
Episode 4. Modern ideologies in Europe
Episode 5. Civil society in Europe: creating active citizenship
Episode 6. The political structure of the European Union
Episode 7. European institutions and their politics
Episode 8. European Neighbourhood Policy
Episode 9. Modern trends in European politics
Episode 10. European politics: finding harmony between traditions and modernization
Episode 11. Europe and Russian aggression: Support for Ukraine
Episode 12. European leadership in the world
Episode 13. Perspectives of European integration
Episode 14. Ukrainian way to European Union
Episode 15. Challenges and opportunities for European Union