Dmytro Shevchuk’s review on book: Етнополітика в Україні в умовах сучасних суспільно-політичних змін: реальний стан, виклики, перспективи. Київ: ІПіЕНД ім. І. Ф. Кураса НАН України, 2023.

The need to comprehend the problems of ethnic policy in Ukraine is due to a number of global trends. In particular, the authors of the collection, outlining the context of the processes taking place in our country, note the unevenness of global development, relapses in Cold War thinking, the revival of imperial ambitions, the growth of conflicts and terrorist threats, and the erosion of a common European identity. These and other global processes are affecting Ukraine, which has been searching for an optimal model of development since its independence. This uncertainty is compounded by the problems of state and political management in the ethno-political sphere, as well as the lack of effective ethno-political strategies. In his introduction, Viktor Voynalovych, PhD in Political Science, project manager, notes that Ukraine is witnessing abuse and political manipulation of the country’s value heterogeneity, instrumental use of the idea of a “split” in Ukrainian society or a “conflict of identities” in it. The problems of ethnic policy in Ukraine and the lack of established strategies and programs in this area are actively used by Russia to fuel disintegration trends and separatist sentiments, particularly in Crimea and Donbas.

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