Dmytro Shevchuk’s review on book: М. Яковлєв “Теорії змов. Як (не) стати конспірологом”

The review was published in journal “Krytyka” №7–8, 2023.

Political scientist Maksym Yakovlev’s book is not only an attempt at a deep (as far as possible in a popular science style) analysis of conspiracy theories and the conspiracist worldview but also a “manual” on how (not) to become a conspiracy theorist. The reader not only gets acquainted with examples of conspiracy theory, its signs but also receives tasks and exercises from the author: for example, come up with a conspiracy theory about cats or take a test and determine your level of agreement with certain conspiracy statements. Despite the author’s irony, his main intention is to give readers the means to be more critical and analytical about conspiracy theory and understand how it manifests itself. He observes that conspiracy theories can permeate our daily habits and practices, attracting not only the paranoid but also sensible people who feel they cannot influence the essential things in their lives.

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